ISPRN ‘Big Idea’

Dear ISPRNers,

Happy New Year to you all and wishing you all the best for 2013. Along with our usual research development activities this year, I am looking to you for your ideas about an ISPRN ‘Big Idea’. We are having great success in developing a diverse range of practice based research projects, and I don’t want this to stop. However, in looking to the future, if we are going to chase some larger grants we will also need to develop a track record or stream of research in a single topic area. Basically, for larger long term grants, funders want to see that you have ‘produced’ in a given area and developed expertise and novel ideas. ISPRN has been successful because we all know that the kind of research GPs get enthused about is research that helps us solve the important day-to-day problems we face. So, I’d really appreciate your thoughts on a Big Idea. What do you think we could start small with and build on? What enthuses us as a group? What are problems that we all face that we would like to tackle as a group? This won’t stop our individual researcher driven projects but would tick away in the background over time. I’d be most appreciative of your thoughts – please post a blog and lets us all know!

Best wishes

Andrew Bonney

Educational Modules

Dear ISPRNers,

You will find that Bridget has posted a whole stack of research resources online. These are available if you click the ‘Educational Modules’ link in the menu bar at the top of the ISPRN blog webpage. Bridget has also commenced a short summary of each resource, to be completed over the next few weeks. There are also more resources to be posted.

The educational modules are a constant work in progress. If you have any resources you think may be of value, or any suggestions or comments on the resources available, please let us know.


Andrew Bonney