Illawarra and Southern Practice Research Network: PHCRIS Conference Success

Please join the Illawarra and Southern Practice Research Network (ISPRN) staff in congratulating the successful ISPRN researchers who summited abstracts to the Primary Health Care Research and  Information Service (PHCRIS) Conference held in Canberra from the 23-25 of July 2014.

All three ISPRN member led projects were accepted as either a poster presentation or a podium presentation.  Details of their success are listed below:

  • Dr Lucie Stanford, Prof Andrew Bonney, Dr Rowena Ivers,  Ms Bridget Dijkmans-Hadley: “Another pair of eyes in the room: do patients want a chaperone for intimate examinations?” – accepted as a podium presentation
  • Dr Fiona Williams, Dr Carl Mahfouz, Dr Russell Pearson, Dr Rowena Ivers: “The attitude of patients over 65yrs to ceasing long term sleeping tablets”- accepted as a poster presentation
  • Dr Duncan MacKinnon, Prof Andrew Bonney, Mr Darren Mayne,  Dr Stephen Barnett, Ms Bridget Dijkmans-Hadley: “Weighing in general practice: Does it have an impact on weight management?” – accepted as a poster presentation

Further congratulations goes to Dr Duncan MacKinnon and his team whose poster won the PHCRIS Best Poster Award!

It was a very successful conference for ISPRN with the results of current research projects being introduced into the primary care academic environment.

Dr Lucie Stanford presenting her paper presentation "Another pair of eyes in the room: do patients want a chaperone for intimate examinations?"

Dr Lucie Stanford presenting her paper presentation “Another pair of eyes in the room: do patients want a chaperone for intimate examinations?”

Dr Fiona Williams and Dr Carl Mahfouz presenting their poster for the project titled: The attitude of patients over 65yrs to ceasing long term sleeping tablets.

Dr Fiona Williams and Dr Carl Mahfouz presenting their poster for the project titled: The attitude of patients over 65yrs to ceasing long term sleeping tablets.

Dr Duncan MacKinnon and ISPRN Coordinator Bridget Dijkmans-Hadley with the PHCRIS Best Poster-Weighing in general practice: Does it have an impact on weight management?

Dr Duncan MacKinnon and ISPRN Coordinator Bridget Dijkmans-Hadley with the PHCRIS Best Poster-Weighing in general practice: Does it have an impact on weight management?