Invitation to participate in a research study

Dear GPs,

We are inviting you to participate in an interactive educational series that will be conducted by Medcast and evaluated by the University of Wollongong (UOW) on behalf of the funding body, the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA). The sessions are designed to support best-practice prescribing, pathology and diagnostic imaging ordering utilising My Health Record (MHR). If you consent to participate you will be randomly allocated to either the prescribing, pathology or radiology education arms of the study.

PenCS software will perform all coding and de-identification of baseline and follow-up clinical study data related to outcomes of the education sessions on-site, within the practices’ computing environments. Therefore you will have to already have PenCS installed on your practice systems to take part. The PenCS software provides secure data collection with minimal added data collection requirements for you. Your de-identified data will be securely transferred directly to UOW.

Feel free to forward this information to any colleagues you think may be interested.

Enrol Here

Kind Regards

Alyssa Horgan
Research Officer
Illawarra and Southern Practice Research Network (ISPRN)
Graduate Medicine
School of Medicine
University of Wollongong