Entanglements: Human, Animal, Environment 2021 Program

In collaboration with ACCESS: Australian Centre for Environment, Society and Space (UOW) and the Wollongong Art Gallery, ASRN hosts a Public lecture series, held at the gallery.  In 2020, the series was cancelled due to Covid, but in 2021 we are back!

March 11, 2021 – Danielle Celermajer, author of Summertime:Reflections on a Vanishing Future, in conversation with Fiona Probyn-Rapsey.

May 2021 – Chris Gibson and Andrew Warren, “Following Guitars from Factory to Forest”

June 5 Jenny Atchison “Talking to Trees”

August 12 Adrian Franklin – title tbc

September 23 – Scott McKinnon “The afterlife of disaster: how bushfires live on after the flames”

November 4th Melissa Boyde: “The Old Cow Project”


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