How do I log in?
Enter your UOW account username and password when prompted to log in.
What and where is my dashboard?
Your dashboard is the very first thing you see when you log in. See Dashboard information sheet
Can I add people to my blog who don’t have a UOW account?
No, the system does not allow blog administrators to add anybody who does not already have an account on the system.
Blogging roles
What file formats can I use?
Supported file formats: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, mp3, mov, avi, wmv, midi, mid, pdf, doc, xls, ppt, docx, xlsx, and pptx.
How do I upload a large video file?
The total storage capacity of each blog is 2GB, so it is recommended that you use a third-party site (e.g., YouTube) to host your videos unless prohibited by copyright or other restrictions.
How do I embed audio from audio hosting sites (e.g. SoundCloud)?
See the embed audio from audio sites guide.
Have more questions?
For a comprehensive list of guides from our our service provider, see edublogs user guides. Please note: While IMTS can assist current UOW staff activate a blog, we do not provide user support for the usage and customisation of blogs for your individual needs.